Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lawn Services in Columbia SC

Lawn Services in Columbia S.C. can take care of anything from a simple "mow and go" to the more complex tasks such as sprinkler system repair or turf chemical treatments. Here are some tips (that go beyond just prices!) on how to pick a lawn company in the Columbia, S.C. area.

If the sole purpose now and in the future of you hiring a lawn maintenance company is to mow the grass, then be very careful who you pick as this point, although seemingly simple, can cost you alot of money in the long run. Cutting the grass is not as simple as it seems. If your turf is cut too short, bagged too often, or cut in the middle of a drought, you could be making a very costly mistake by hiring a low paid, inexperienced, fly by night company. Replacing sod can cost you thousands of dollars and the uninsured lawn maintenance company is not likely to ever accept liability for mistakes.

On the other hand, lawn companies who are expected to go beyond a simple mow and handle grounds maintenance should not only cut grass, but also handle landscape maintenance tasks such as proper shrub pruning, soil analysis, roof cleaning, mulch installation, the more intricate tasks that come with working in any given yard. These tasks are a learned, professional skill that comes with experience and education.

In addition to being able to do the laborsome tasks, a company of quality has a well developed and managed system in place to take the burden of your yard away from you - isn't that what you are paying for?! A good company manages the route where jobs are done in a timely, reliable fashion, bills you accurately and in a timely and simple fashion, and employs trustworthy, well groomed professionals to service your property.

So the next time you are in the market for yard services, dig deep, ask questions and save your valuable time by picking the right service with the right lawn care prices the first time.