Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Regular Lawn Maintenance Service

Columbia, South Carolina is one of the hottest places I know of. Not only does the city retain heat from the paved areas and buildings, but the fact that the soil in Greater Columbia SC is so sandy contributes to the intense heat. Regular Lawn Maintenance Service here in Columbia, that is, every "x" days to cut the lawn, is probably not usually a great's why.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm in the Lawn Care Business and my primary customer base is customers who need their lawns cut. However, what I'm advocating here is that the lawns need to be cut at semi-regular intervals. If I were to cut any given lawn at the wrong time, I could damage the lawn.

I see many of my competitors doing just that - cutting the grass in the middle of a drought just because the "contract" dictates when the grass should be cut. What is happening is that they are killing the grass when it needs to be left alone (and watered!). Long Grass will help the lawn live through times of drought.

For my customers, I monitor their grass (and their grounds, bushes, etc). I take into account how healthy the grass looks overall. If their grass is due to be cut on, say, the 7th of August and it looks drought stressed and under watered, I will rescedule and round up the service to the next week or the next round. For this to work well for me, I as the service provider round it like that so I don't have to break my schedule by coming the following day (in this case the 8th of August).

Take a close look at what your lawn maintenance service is doing to your grass. Are they there to collect the cash no matter what (because the calendar says its time to cut) or are they doing whats in the best interest of YOU the customer and whats best for your lawn's health.

For more Lawn Care Tips, visit Busy Bee Lawn Care online!

Submitted by:
Ashley Brooks
Busy Bee Lawn Care, LLC
Columbia, SC
Cell 803.331.5323